Development of Prognostic Scoring System for Metastatic Colorectal Adenocarcinoma
I. Dvorcik, E.P. Popechitelev, J.W. Marsh, J.J. Fung, S. Iwatsuki
Санкт-Петербургский государственный электротехнический
университет “ЛЭТИ”Медицинский центр Питтсбургского университета (г. Питтсбург, США)
Аннотация — В работе предложена пошаговая регрессионная модель, предсказывающая исход и время возникновения рецидива печеночных метастазов после операций резекции печени при лечении рака прямой кишки. Она разработана на основе модели Коха пропорциональной опасности и использует предоперационные характеристики болезни. Выбран набор характеристик болезни, коррелирующий с исходом; он включен в модель в качестве вводных данных. В модели использована информация, накопленная в медицинском центре Питтсбургского университета (г. Питтсбург, США) в течение 11 лет. Модель позволила сформировать ограниченный набор факторов риска, независимо обусловливающих дисперсию исходов. Ее верификация посредством известных тестов и сравнение предсказаний модели с реальными событиями продемонстрировали высокую точность прогнозов. На основе модели предложена система прогнозирования риска рецидива, разделяющая пациентов на 5 групп риска, которая легко может быть использована в клинической практике.
Hepatic resection is the most effective treatment known for metastases from colorectal carcinoma. However, the outcomes of this procedure vary greatly among patients reflecting variability of the disease advancement. Ability to prognosticate preoperatively recurrence outcome of the resection procedure would yield enhancement in patient care by allowing to plan personalized follow-up and adjuvant treatment schedules. Such an ability can result from accessibility of staging or prognostic scoring system, which stratifies patients on homogeneous in terms of risk of recurrence categories. Although previous studies [1-5] identified various preoperative clinical and pathological risk factors for postoperative tumor recurrence, there has been no dependable staging or prognostic scoring system for metastatic hepatic tumors.
Sixteen clinical and pathological variables were examined in 305 consecutive patients who underwent primary hepatic resection for metastatic colorectal cancer between 1985 and 1996 at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The available information initially was subjected to univariate analysis to identify the factors strongly associated with recurrence outcome. The Kaplan-Meier method with log-rank test [6] was used for comparison of survival distribution between various categories of the variables of interest. Each continuous variable was represented in a variety of categorical forms, each form was subjected to the log-rank test, and the one, which produced greater statistical significance level, was selected as a categorical representation of a continuous variable. The variables proved to be significant risk factors for postoperative tumor recurrence were further utilized for multivariate analysis and modeling.
The Cox proportional hazard (PH) regression model [7] was adapted for the task at hand. Two methods were used for variable selection strategy: purposeful variables selection based on heuristic procedure, and stepwise selection procedure. The heuristic procedure was based on the following rule: a model containing the selected set of variables has to prognosticate tumor-free survival within 10% of the Kaplan-Meier assessment for the given patient category at each year after resection starting from a second. The method of backward stepwise selection with the likelihood ratio test based on maximum partial likelihood estimates [8] was employed to determine independent predictors of tumor recurrence. Variables were considered eligible for removal from the model if the likelihood ratio test significance was ? 0.1.
The resulting model
was employed to calculate an individual patient’s risk score and corresponding
probability of having tumor recurrence at various time points after resection. Individual
patient risk score (R) was calculated according to the formula: R = B1X1
+…+BnXn, where: Xi and Bi are the value of a
patient’s risk factor and the coefficient of this risk factor calculated from the Cox PH
model, respectively. Correspondingly, the probability that patient with risk score R will
be recurrence-free t years after hepatic resection (S(t)) can be calculated as:
while R0 is
a risk score corresponding to the baseline survival function S0(t). Since all
of the 4 risk factors were presented as binary variables, S0(t) was calculated
for the patients with no significant risk factors (XI) present.
Analysis revealed that presence of a certain risk factors (positive surgical margins or extrahepatic metastases including positive lymph nodes) assured extremely poor tumor-free survival, therefore, 62 patients with this factors were excluded from the further analysis. Six risk factors were found significantly affecting tumor-free survival (tumor size, number of tumors, lobar involvement, time from colorectal surgery to liver metastasis, Duke’s classification and extent of liver resection) by univariate analysis. The log-minus-log test confirmed that all of them, meet the assumption of proportionality of hazard, therefore justifying Cox PH regression as an appropriate modeling technique. The used heuristic approach found that four variables (number of tumors > 2, maximum tumor size of > 8 cm, interval between colorectal surgery and occurrence of liver metastasis ? 30 months, and lobar tumor involvement) is the most parsimonious set of variables which produces prediction of tumor-free survival within 10% of actuarial value (table 1). The stepwise model-building approach confirmed the set as independent predictors of tumor-free survival (table 2).
Table 1.
Tumor-Free Survival (%) at Given Years |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6-7 |
8-10 |
Actuarial (Kaplan-Meier) |
72.3 |
46.9 |
38.4 |
33.6 |
28.5 |
26.7 |
25.8 |
Predicted by the Model |
87.3 |
47.2 |
39.3 |
30.6 |
26.6 |
26.6 |
26.6 |
Table 2.
Risk Factor |
PH Model Coefficient (Bi) |
Relative Risk RR = expBi |
95% Confidence Interval (CI) |
Number of Tumors > 2 |
0.6286 |
1.87 |
1.33 – 2.64 |
Tumor Size > 8 cm. |
0.4724 |
1.60 |
1.06 – 2.43 |
Interval ? 30 months |
0.3894 |
1.48 |
1.00 – 2.18 |
Bilobar Tumors |
0.3308 |
1.39 |
0.98 – 1.97 |
The obtained from the model patient-specific risk scores were stratified on the 5 non-overlapping groups: R0 = 0 (no identified risk factors present), R0 ? 0.6286 (1 risk factor present), 0.6286 < R0 ? 1.101 (2 risk factors present), 1.101< R0 ? 1.4904 (3 risk factors present), R0 > 1.4904 (4 risk factors present).
To ensure appropriate fit of the developed model to various parts of the data set, two methods were employed. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test [9] produced a p-value of > 0.41, which indicates a good fit of the model. Also, predicted by the developed model and actuarial tumor-free survival were compared not only for all the patients included into the model (n=263), but for different subgroups of patients as well. In particular, figures 1 and 2 depict the actuarial and predicted tumor-free survival for the patient cohort stratified by the developed grades of risk. As can be seen from the figures, actuarial and model-predicted survival are within a few percent from each other starting from a second post-resection year. The larger difference during the first post-resection year is related to the used PH technique, in particular, to the choice of the baseline function, and can not be reduced without a sufficient loss of the prediction accuracy during subsequent years.
The proportional hazard regression technique allowed reasonably accurate prognostication of the probability and timing of recurrent liver metastasis of colorectal cancer after liver resection. The proposed risk grade, which is based on the developed model, enables physician to devise personalized follow-up and adjuvant therapy schedules for the patients suffering from the disease prior to liver resection. The comparative simplicity of the developed risk grade allows it’s effortless verification and implementation in various medical centers.
1. Forner JG, Silva JS, Golby RB, Cox EB, MacClean B. “Multivariate analysis of a personal series of 247 consecutive patients with liver metastases from colorectal cancer”. Ann Surg 1984; 306-316.
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4. Gayowski TJ, Iwatsuki S, Madariaga JR, et al. “Experience in hepatic resection for metastatic colorectal cancer: Analysis of clinical and pathological risk factors”. Surgery 1994; 116: 703 – 711.
5. Bakalakos EA, Kim JA, Young DC, Martin Jr EW. “Determinants of survival following hepatic resection for metastatic colorectal cancer”. World J Surg 1998; 22: 399 – 405.
6. Fisher LD, Gerald van Belle. “Biostatistics. A Methodology for the Health Sciences”. P:786 – 811, 1993. John Willey & Sons, Inc. New York.
7. Cox DR and Oakes D. “Analysis of Survival Data”. P: 92 – 110, 165 – 173. 1984. Chapman & Hall. London.
8. Hosmer DW, Lemeshow S. “Applied Logistic Regression”. P: 82 – 135. 1989. John Willey & Sons, Inc. New York.
9. Hosmer DW, Lemeshow S. “Applied Logistic Regression”. P: 140 – 145. 1989. John Willey & Sons, Inc. New York.
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